Dita Botërore e Radioamatorëve - World Amateur Radio Day

Contact us

Please find the contact informations of the Albanian Federation of Radio Amateurs  at the bottom part of the pages, or send us using your query using the contact-form below.

FSHR Selia

Tirana Olimpik Park
Rr. Liman Kaba 1
1019 Tirana

FSHR Kutia Postare

Kutia Postare 201, 1001 Tirana Albania
fshra@fshra.org, info@fshra.org
www.fshra.org  |  www.radioamator.org
[ Burrel | Elbasan | Krujë | Peshkopi | Shkodër | Tiranë ]

FSHR President

Florian Gjonej  ZA5G
Kutia Postare 201, 1001 Tirana, Albania
Postfach 12, 1122 Vienna, Austria
M: +355 695 8188 50,  M: +43 650 3456 477
E:   president@fshra.org

FSHR Sekretar i përgjithshëm

Edmond Budo ZA1U
Kutia Postare 201, 1001 Tirana, Albania
M: +355 676 5050 09,  M: +355 695 8188 50
E:   secretary@fshra.org